Friday, February 17, 2012

Lists of 2012 - #7

Listography #7 - Things I Love

Taking the word 'things' literally - and in no particular order:

1.  Chocolate covered almonds

2.  Brownies

3.  Fresh fruit

4.   My sewing machine

5.  Cameras and photographs

6.  Candles

7.  Fabric

8.  Fresh tomatoes

9.  Flowers

10.  Cards and letters

11.  Books

12.  Chai latte's


  1. I am definitely your daughter, but in so many good ways. It would be lovely to get together for a chai, discuss books and nibble on a few chocolate covered almonds. I miss you!

  2. I took the word "things" very literally too. :) Love your list, sounds just like you.
