Friday, September 11, 2009

Signs of Autumn

Even though the weather has been warm and we haven't had any frost yet, the signs of autumn are starting to make themselves evident. The last few days have been Indian summer warm and the usual rainy first week of school didn't happen. The leaves are slow to change color this year so perhaps we will be very lucky and have a long autumn.

I was reminiscing this morning about the happenings of 2001 in New York City. I distinctly remember hearing the news and even the exact spot where I was at on the road, as I drove home from an early morning walk with my friend, Audrey. Then upon arriving at school, how everyone - staff and students - were clustered in the library and watching coverage in between classes, all day long. Where were you 8 years ago? I know so many families were personally affected that day with the loss of family members. I want to acknowledge that today is a day of remembrance across the USA and around the world.


  1. I was here at home when my sister called from her work and yelled switch on the tv and the phone crashed down. It was early afternoon here, and Mum, and her cousin and his wife and I were having tea. I did the same to my friends in NZ who were asleep at the time. And then we all sat totally unable to move for hours on end. I saw the second plane hit. I saw the towers fall and I really considered that it may be the end of the world. As we knew it. I remember too.

  2. Beautiful photos! Maybe we could go down by the lake for a walk with the kids when I come - I'll bring the stroller. If I got a bike attachment we could go for a bike ride - maybe I should look for one.

    I remember where I was too - at home in our apartment in Brentwood watching the news on our tiny little TV waiting for Jonathan to come home - it was unbelieveable.
