Friday, September 04, 2009

Happy Birthday, Silas

One year ago they became a family of 4 with the addition of a son.

She took to being a big sister - helping, caring and always hugging him.

And a grandson was added to our family.

And now look at him!! Giggling, starting to talk, standing up and walking while holding on to your hand, totally interested in anything with wheels, hearing every dog that barks -

and so curious about the world around him.

Happy, Happy Birthday, Silas!! We pray that you will grow to be strong and wise, joyful and steadfast in the Lord. We love you, little man!!


  1. He's as precious looking as all your other grandchildren. They've grown so much since we became blog buddies so long ago.

  2. that went by so fast! i can still remember how i felt when we brought him home. i'm so very glad we had him. :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Silas!! We are so glad you are a part of our family. Know today how special, loved and precious you are to us and we pray that God will continue to work in you to make you the man he desires of you. We love you lots!!
