Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Joy Dare

I counted more than 2400 on my gratitude gifts / joy dare last year and I am so very amazed and thankful for every blessing that God bestows daily.  And this counting thing?  Oh, I am ever so much more able to see the good things all around me.  It takes me right away from the worry and the wishing.  I do less comparing and more thanking.  I'm so very glad that Ann wrote her book and shares so much on her blog.  What an encouragement she is!


And so for 2013,  I cannot stop - I must continue to record the blessings from Him.

#1 - #101    (a sampling of the last two weeks)
- grandchildren laughing and playing together
- gathered around the Christmas/New Year's table
- little girls playing Silent Night and Away In A Manger on the piano
- late night conversations, tears and hugs
- thoughtful Christmas gifts shared

- warm weather and dry roads for driving
- playing games with grandchildren while eating breakfast
- bike and scooter circling the basement
- having the perfect birthday gifts ready and waiting
- old friends dropping by unexpectedly

- rejoicing in memories while working on my December Daily album
- birthday cards to give away
- good books to read
- old and new friends
- Christmas card photos of friends and family

- homemade black cherry wine (thanks, D & D)
- toboggan hill sliding
- sisters
- twilight walks over the snow
- a husband who is a very good driver on winter roads

- defusing the tension with laughter, heaven sent at the right time
- text messages and phone pictures
- high school students who rise up and do amazing things
- getting to see the transformations and their pride
- rising sun spilling over the horizon 

- homemade envelopes from calendar pages
- a stack of winter books to read together
- snuggles, hugs and kisses from grandchildren
- adding logs to the fire
- candle glow reminding me Jesus is the light

- playing games
- pear cheddar pie from the freezer
- cheering from the stands at the arena
- Burt's Bees lipbalm - on sale!
- my Saviour, ever-present, ever-loving

(I am currently experiencing technical difficulties so adding pictures is on hold.)

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