Monday, August 17, 2009

Learning the Lesson

Yesterday at church our Bible readings and Pastor's sermon were all about wisdom - specifically the wisdom we have from God, that we then live out in our daily lives. I've been thinking about that this morning and then I read this entry from Ann over at Holy Experience. She writes powerfully of what it means to know and walk in a daily relationship with God. And to know God's grace and His gifts, to trust Him and to live in joy means to walk in gratitude - counting each one of the blessings He has given us.

Gratitude Gifts Today (and thus begins my list):

- sun shining and breeze blowing on the land

- raspberries, peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans and beets from the garden

- hymns playing through the house

- fresh tea in my mug

- washing machine that works without help from me

- time to sit and be still

- flowers blooming

Please join the Gratitude Community with us! Monday mornings are the time to link.

(photos from the archives - Heather's tomato plant in 2006, sunflower from my garden - 2007)


  1. Great list, Mom and idea. One of my favourite things about you is that you always see the positive things in life, day to day and the big stuff. It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing you enjoy it, laughing and seeing the good in each moment. Thank-you for sharing that with me. You inspire me. Love you!

  2. Good for you for starting this! It really does put life in perspective when we spend time reflecting on what we are grateful for.
