Monday, August 24, 2009

Gratitude Gifts Today

On this summer day :

- a breakfast table with 2 little ones

- fresh berries - raspberries, blueberries and blackberries today

- listening to yesterday's worship songs again

- meditating on yesterday's lesson - we all are welcomed and receive more than we can even imagine, no matter when we come or what we do - and all because of God's amazing grace

- smiles from those I love

(thanks to N for sharing this picture)

- a yard for Helayna and Silas to play in

- Silas' excitment and smiles as he watches Grampa build the fence

- flowers, especially ones growing in the yard

- mashed potatoes and gravy

- summer sunshine in the evening

holy experience


  1. Thanks for sharing.... I love Summer sunshine in the evening too!

    God Bless You!

    Thank you for your comment as well :-)


  2. Such pretty babies and roses! The list is wonderful.

  3. Our raspberries are long gone...I'm so glad you're getting a good harvest.

    Love the picture of your daughter and the grandkids--they are both adorable. All of your grandchildren are, Crystal!


  4. What a refreshing blog!
