Thursday, July 09, 2009

Scenic Wonders

While we were quadding, we rode to two extraordinarily beautiful spots.  The first was Ruby Falls, tucked up high against the mountains, very close to the Jasper Park boundary.  The water falls over the layers of rock and heads on down Ruby Creek.  

If you look really close (or enlarge the picture by double clicking on it), you can see Pam, Del and Darrin behind the waterfall.  That gives you a better perspective on how high the falls actually were. 

We walked up a trail beside the falls and then looked down on them and the valley.

Some very brave (or very crazy - not quite sure which they are!) people (Pam, Ed, Larry and Bob) actually went for a quick swim in the freezing cold pool above the falls.

I love this picture of Pam and Ed.

On our way home, we took a different trail that led us past Ruby Lakes.   It was a smoother trail but there were some very big muskeg bogs along it.  Good thing it was dry and you could navigate through.  This week I'm sure it's way too muddy to get through very easily!

Our second scenic ride was up to the Grave Flats Lookout Tower.  We rode up the trail and then left our machines to hike another 200 metres to the top of the hill.  The forestry tower here is manned to watch for lightning strikes and fires.  You could see for 50 or 60 kilometres in all directions and there were photo ops everywhere. 

The angle of this alpine meadow was so, so cool.  Yes - there was still snow on the right hand side.  

The best thing about this spot was the wide, wide open alpine meadow with gorgeous wildflowers!  We actually came up here twice - it was just so beautiful!

The flowers were nestled right on top of each other - there were so, so many!

Tiny blue forget-me-nots - and we won't forget this place!  The banner on my blog page features the pink flowers that were  up here too.


  1. more gorgeous photos! the flowers are so pretty! isn't it amazing how they can grow up there?

  2. You guys always end up in the neatest places. The waterfall is amazing. Beautiful photos, Mom.

  3. I was hoping to see a photo of you and the quad. I think I want one ;)

    Interestingly, I also took myself off to a waterfall the other day. There is something about running water and falls - totally chills me our.

    Nice pics.

  4. I just went back a few posts and found the quads - I d3finitely want one. So, you are an adventurer - you go girl!
