Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cooking Classes

You've heard me mention that I was preparing to teach a cooking class and it finally  happened earlier this week!  The community living association that my sister works for wanted a basic class offered to their clients and staff so I submitted a proposal and it was accepted.  Called "Fast and Fabulous for Beginners", I focussed on dishes prepared with ground beef.

I demoed how to make a Nacho Appetizer Dip, Taco Salad, Chili with Cornbread Dumplings, and Classic Meatloaf served with Pasta.

The audiences were wonderful, engaged in the demonstrations, curious and lots of fun.  I had really thought about the whole process alot and it went very smoothly.   I hope that the participants will be able to incorporate the recipes and tips in to their own cooking.  (Thanks for taking the pictures, E!)

And they asked me to do another one on Crockpot Cooking!!!  So I'm in the searching for recipes and planning mode again :))


  1. Ah, how did it go? I'm so sorry I forgot to ask this morning. I'm sure it was a hit and the food was delicious. How do you feel about doing the next one? I'm glad you got some photos of it. You never know, you might become a cooking instruction instead of a teacher. ;)

  2. You SO look the part - amazing. Way yo go !!!!!!

  3. Becky Higgins has a pasta dish on her blog for Garlic Chicken Farfalle. I have cut down the quantities/fat content because it's daunting but it is fantastic!

  4. I'm so glad it went well! Love the photos!

  5. Congratulations, Crystal!

    I'd love to sit in on your crockpot class.

