Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lists of 2012 - #44

Listography 2012 - #44 - Things I'm Feeling Stressed About (but really in pretty small ways)

1.  painting our main living area

2.  using up the rest of the tomatoes

3.  not having the garden completely cleaned out and rototilled

4.  the state of chaos in part of our basement

5.  what to give our son and son-in-laws for Christmas

6.  how much time to devote to a volunteer committee that's demanding alot

7.  re-doing our patio area (someday!)

8.  wrinkles!

9.  time to finish my sewing projects wish-list

10.  the causes to support this Christmas

11.  creating some photobooks

12.  farm accounting

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad there's nothing major on your list, even if some of those things feel major at times. i should have added grey hair to mine to go with your wrinkles. ;)
