Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gratitude Gifts Today

There have been so many examples of God's love and His plan for my life this week that I am in awe and wonder.  How can it be that He continues to care for me and surround me with such good?  And then I read at Ann's and am reminded that He works all things for good and there is nothing that He cannot change into good.  And once again I rest in His unfailing love for me, sent with instructions "to go and do likewise" this week.   So I count on and wait on His instructions and His opportunities.

#2870 - #2910

- storm clouds that blew away
- freshly cut grass
- sweet peas in a vase
- empty countertop (thanks for the inspiration, N!)
-  raspberry smoothie from Tim Horton's

- a great big basket full of zucchini
- food processor to chop it all
- smell of relish cooking
- filled jars
- so much good food

- chains that keep turning
- husband-mechanic who keeps it all going
- long green rows being eaten up
- land that produces abundance
- great big machines

(there were two but one was very shy)

- hawks silently watching
- raindrops, tiny morsels of water
- birthday parties, months later
- big blue sky with puffy clouds
- surprise photo book arriving in the mail (thanks, M!)

- goldenrod flowers, harbingers of the next season
- young couple, full of enthusiasm,  heading out on a new adventure
- writing to our Compassion child in Ethiopia
- working alongside my Mom and Dad
- the generosity of others

- sharing faith across the table
- visiting on a summer afternoon
- watching a young woman grow in her faith
- praying together
- knowing that God has it all planned for His good (just like Ann said today!)

- sunset flaming pink, orange and purple
- supper with family to celebrate my parents' birthdays
- hearing the long-awaited news of a baby coming soon
- listening to my niece share stories of teaching on a missions trip to Zambia
- her love for missions and her willingness to go and do

- harvest season - in gardens and on fields
- a reminder to keep praying for a family who is dear to us
- God's messages of "this is a child of mine" and "don't ever give up" (Matt. 15: 10 - 28)
- to be counted as His child
- and that He never gives up on me!

1 comment:

  1. I always appreciate your heart of Gratitude, Crystal and your sharing it with us.
