Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Gratitude Gifts Today

I was sitting in the quiet on a bench at the lake yesterday, cuddling Blake while he had an afternoon nap, and it came to me how very blessed I was to have the lapping waves, big blue sky and rustling green leaves put in my world by the Creator.  Surrounded by quiet and a breeze, watching a sailboat and hearing grandchildren play behind me, it seemed to me that this might be just what heaven will be like.  Counting on brings me into the presence of the One who gives me goodness and grace through every moment of every day.  

#2805 - #2840

- a day in Drumheller
- surprising Helayna and Silas
- fields of grain, so much grain
- stacks of fresh fluffy towels
- salmon burgers for lunch

- two granddaughters on my knee during church
- sweet, contented Maƫlle
- little boys in the water
- lunch and supper prepared by someone else
- first tomatoes picked and eaten still warm from the vine

- a letter from one of our Compassion sponsored girls
- our anniversary
- homemade mushroom soup
- pails of saskatoons and raspberries
- little helpers watering in the greenhouse

- a weiner roast
- cobs of corn grilled on the barbecue
- taking 400+ photos for "A Week in My Life" project
- special phone calls in the middle of the day
- a full rainbow stretching across the sky

- my gratitude journal
- a message for couples at church
- toasted marshmallows
- chocolate chip cookies
- fresh flowers from our friends

- Grampas who carve secret paths through the willow and carragana hedge for little fairies and princesses
- saskatoon bushes, heavy and blue with fruit
- sitting by the lake with a grandson sleeping on my shoulder
- daughter who vacuums the floor
- five cousins spending a whole day together

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