Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gratitude Gifts Today

During this Christmas time I am blessed with these gifts:

- hours spent with family

- quiet mornings

- quilts

- the lights on the Christmas tree which bring warmth and cheer to the whole house

- packages under the tree

- choices that are appreciated

- helping to put a smile on a face

- dark chocolate almond bark

- Christmas carols still playing through the house

- the laughter that comes from playing together

- Grampas and Uncles that play and toss little ones high

- cabbage rolls (thanks, D!)

- opening food and drink gifts from friends

- books

- canned apple pie fillings (thanks, N!)

- pictures on canvas frames

- the curiousity of a little man

- swimming with our grandchildren

- admiring how comfortable they are in the water

- holding Blake as he kicked and enjoyed his first experience in the pool

- having a brand new recreation facility within driving distance

- the happiness these two radiate as they share life now

- family pictures taken in front of the tree

- leftovers :)

- traditional foods prepared with love and enjoyed by all

- hoarfrost covering the trees and making the whole world beautiful

- patterned papers

- photobooks (my very first one!)

- the creativity of our family members as they created and repurposed gifts this year

- cameras

- watching our children become families of their own

- phone calls to loved ones who are far away (miss you, M!)

- Skype and watching Samuel on Christmas morning

- cats who keep the mice away (I hope!)

- safe travels and clear roads

- unexpected meetings while shopping

- time for reflecting and thanking the One who has blessed us so abundantly


  1. You got some great photos, Mom! Love that one of Silas so much! He is so cute!

    Thanks for such a great celebration at your place. It was so fun. And so was swimming - so glad we could do that and I could come too.

  2. uch wonderful things to be thankful for. These show your heart.

  3. Christmas together must have been wonderful!! Love the photos that captured your day. Silas is getting so big and I love his jersey.
    Wish we were there to be part of it all and take Samuel to the pool, too. Next year?!
    It was great talking to you and seeing you on the webcam. We'll have to connect again soon so you can see our growing Little Bear.
