Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!!

We started the New Year with a visit to Airdrie and Calgary. We stayed with Heather, Jonathan and Helayna and Bob spent New Year's Day helping Darrin replace wheel bearings in his Jeep. Then we all had supper together which was very nice - thanks for cooking, Heather. Of course, we spent some time playing and having fun too!!

I'm sure Helayna's going to be a dancer - she loves moving to music, especially when you hold her and twirl around the living room!

I was showered with hugs and kisses, which was wonderful!

Grampa Bear came sneaking up the stairs and frightened Baby Bear!

This little one is right into playing! She has a whole routine with her dad which includes putting clean laundry on his head.

Outside time with Grampa was fun, especially with a chinook blowing in.

Grampa's glasses continue to be a never ending source of fun!


  1. Too fun! I love the moments you and Heather always manage to catch. Helayna is growing so fast and so totally cute and sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend. Yeah!!!

  2. You got some awesome photos! I love them all! I'm sooooo glad you came and celebrated the new year with us!
