Wednesday, January 02, 2008

365 Project - Image of the Day

With the start of a new year comes the time to think about doing better, doing smarter and doing new things. Photojojo has an interesting article about photography resolutions and I think I'm going to try to include some of them in my life this year. I really like the idea of the 365 Project so here are my first 2 days entries.

January 2

Holding hands through the window with Grampa

January 1

Bouncing into the New Year!


  1. Awww!!!! I love those photos so much!

  2. These pictures are precious!

  3. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Hi Crystal! Just read through all of your Christmas celebrations posts and I feel like I was there with you. It all sounds cozy and magical. Those granddaughters sure are cute! I guess that Meadow and Victor are about a year apart--this Christmas he just started sitting up by himself. I guess next Christmas he'll be sitting in a little pink armchair looking through a book! Oh, my. I can't even imagine.

    The 365 project sounds great. I thought about doing a similar project by recording a note about each day on a piece of fabric, then making a (huge) quilt out of it. I wanted to start it when Victor was born, but by the time we left the hospital, I was already behind. Plus, I was so emotional that everytime I would write something down about him, I would start to cry.

    Your Christmas surprise trip looks beautiful.

    Happy New Year, Friend! XO

  4. Love the picture of the little one and grandpa.
