Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gratitude Gifts Today

Deep in the days of summer (rainshowers, mosquitoes and all!), the last week has been filled with family and friends.  I flew safely home from New Brunswick, although it was very hard to leave Samuel, Melinda and Tyler.  I had such a wonderful, relaxing time with them in their lovely new home.  I did miss Bob and it was good to be in my own bed again.  He took such good care of the yard and house - I was very impressed!  This weekend we celebrated a good friend's 60th birthday and our anniversary (this part of the  party was a complete surprise to us!) and Bob's hockey team from way back when got together for a picnic.  There was much laughter, visiting and catching up on family and retirements.

I start this week feeling so filled up with goodness.  Beauty all around, rich relationships, events to anticipate and so my list lengthens with the goodness God gives.

#2780 - #2805

- Bob waiting at the airport for me
- catching up in quiet conversation
- sharing details about my trip
- showing videos of Samuel playing
- talking to Melinda on the phone

-  seeing and hearing about Meadow's new waterskiing skills
- laughing and reminiscing
- filling in details to make her life picture fuller
- zinnias blooming - a reminder of my grandmothers
- fresh, juicy, plump BC cherries

- picking the first raspberries and saskatoons
- fresh berries with brown sugar and cream
- new menu ideas from Melinda
- Maëlle cooing and making beautiful baby sounds
- summer Farmer's Markets, even in the rain

in Fredericton, NB

- first tomatoes turning orange
- reading
- clean clothes hanging on the closet rod
- leftover dessert
- hugs from grandchildren

- sharing potatoes from our experiment
- letters to mail
- doing Ali Edwards' "A Week In My Life" project
- being missed by hailstorms
-  friends writing 'Audrey, Audrey' for her birthday

So amazing the gifts my Heavenly Father puts in my path every single day!  I am so thankful for the gifts and for the counting and recording of them.

1 comment:

  1. such a wonderful, full week! love your list and you. :)
