Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One Year Ago

Just 365 days ago, we were  - 

flying alongside Mount Kilimanjaro -

meeting Bob and Clarence after their hike up the mountain and our cruise down the Nile -

basking at this beautiful resort in Zanzibar -

strolling along the beach of the Indian Ocean -

and relaxing in the saltwater pool!

What marvelous memories we have of that October in Africa!


  1. How can it already be a whole year ago, Crystal? Time flying by - as the years pass I echo my mother's words. And my grandmother's, come to think fo it - time flies by faster as we get older. Hmmm.So many wonderful memories, though - for you and for me as well. Blessings. That is what they are. Of course.

  2. My post today is the same theme as yours. We were both traveling ~ what are we doing here in the cold and snow?

  3. It's hard to believe you were basking in the sunshine and floating in the pool with all this cool fall weather around us. How quickly one year flies by and so much happens in that short time. We'll have to reminisce and look at some photos when we're home.

  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Such beautiful photos! Do you miss being there? Too bad you didn't have a trip planned for this fall, hey?! Sigh...
