Monday, October 18, 2010

Gratitude Gifts Today

Now that the silaging is finished, the jars are filled and the growing has stopped, our lives are moving at a more gentle pace and we have time to enjoy the little moments of each day.  The counting continues -

- sunshine and warm mornings

- time to putter

- green grass

- full potato sacks

- flowers still blooming :)

- carrots all laid out

- watching combines move along

- full grain trucks

- smiles on faces in the field

- test driving

- built-in car seat - love it!

- a photobook of a summer's adventure

- my sister

- listening to my niece talk about her teaching position - she is a born teacher

- birthday countdown for this one

- oatmeal with cinnamon and saskatoons

- branches stripped bare and tree skeletons standing tall

- little finds in the fridge that make lunch

- laughter

- fresh sheets on the bed

- pumpkin scones - yum!

- just vacuumed floors

- breathtaking sunsets

- the responsibility to vote

- freedom to make my own choices

- the peace with which God's presence fills me

- the Creator who filled the world with so much beauty

holy experience


  1. Helena is growing like a weed! Oh my gosh! How wonderful!

  2. Anonymous6:04 PM

    such a beautiful list!
