Monday, August 02, 2010

Welcome, August

Welcome, Last Month of Summer 
How can it be that we have already enjoyed two-thirds of this season?

Still to come -

- garden goodness like peas, beans and zucchini

- more pails of raspberries

- the saskatoon harvest

- my Mom and Dad's birthdays

- a day at the strawberry u-pick

- a family barbecue

- some weekend fun with D & K

- a trip to BC for tree fruits

- Smartboard PD day

- lots of silage to chop

- (hopefully) ripe tomatoes

- more time with grandchildren

- thirty-one days of God's love and goodness

Please don't go by in a blur!


  1. It's so sad! Only a few more weeks of freedom and warm weather... (Warm weather doesn't count so much when I'm in school).
    When are you coming to BC? Where will you go for fruit?

  2. Our summer holidays are just starting here. I think the timing is all wrong, because the hottest part of summer is gone. But the gardens are still full of surprises and bounty! I am in the mountains for a few weeks with te family. If the rain would stop it would be great.
