Monday, August 16, 2010

August in Pictures

Heather invited me to participate in her photo challenge for this month so I've been focussed on the daily word prompts to capture August.

Hope - that it doesn't rain again

Collection - of raspberry jam

Hat - little boy who decided to wear a napkin hat

Imagination - they got it in their heads to crawl inside the cupboard!

Tied - my shoes, ready to use the brakes in the tractor

Warm - chai latte' in my favourite Polish mug

Thankful - to celebrate my parents' birthdays

Space - filled with clouds at sunset

Four - first tomatoes picked today

Creamy - Alfredo sauce

Once again, a big challenge for me to stretch my thinking each day!  Thanks, H!


  1. we have raspberry jam making on the schedule this week!

  2. That cupboard photo is a classic! I am really fascinatde by the different aspects of subjects in focus, Crystal. I have started looking for signs of autumn here, and it is amazing what I can see, if I really look.
    (Chris at His Unfinished Work is posting again,and today's post had me rolling about!)
