Sunday, December 21, 2008


Today is the fourth Sunday in Advent and our waiting is nearly over!!  

These banners were hung, one each Sunday, in our narthex at church.  They were created by women of our congregation and are beautiful pieces of fiber art.   Today during the morning service, the children of our congregation presented their program " Who is the Christmas Star".  They portrayed different characters of the Christmas story and the season, each trying to be the most important thing but in the end, Jesus is the star of Christmas - and our lives.  It was an awesome message from the sweetest messengers.  

And this prayer comes from our Advent Reflections book by On Eagle's Wings, an ecumenical Christian ministry serving remote and isolated areas of northern Canada.  It was written by Rev. Steve Meysing.

"Dear Jesus,
So many people want to rule over my heart and attention this month.  
But it is you that I long for as my Lord, my guide, my boss.
When I realize I am not in control, hold me close.
Use my comings and goings this month for your plans and purposes.
Help me see you at work and ever among us.


  1. I love that you took those photos - I remember those wall hangings from growing up. :)
