Wednesday, December 03, 2008


It was my day to be with Meadow while her mommy got some sleep after working all night and we had a marvelous time.

We were reading books on the bed and all of a sudden she was doing these perfect sommersaults!  Of course I missed the best ones but you can get an idea of it here.  

She was so busy playing today!  The easel required some power tools and resting on her arm.  It totally reminded me of how her Grampa does stuff!  It's just incredible to see how she copies  actions and is so aware of the world around her.  

I am so, so blessed to see her often and spend full days watching her grow and learn.  


  1. I love the new look, Crystal! What a delight your grandchildren are, and I love sharing your time with them here!

  2. She's so creative and fun. I'm so eager to get home and play with them.

  3. love the christmas-y blog!

    she is so sweet! i love these fun photos and am so glad you get to spend so much time with her!
