Wednesday, August 23, 2006


shopping day!! Started out with a visit to the optometrist and an order for new glasses. Which, by the way, are crazy expensive!!! I seriously need a better vision benefit plan. But I can't see with the old ones so it had to be done. The glasses are pretty funky - let's just say Versace with bling! More on that next week!!!

Then I got some clothes for school, on a very good sale, at my favorite store - Northern Reflections. Found a cool "Dream" word and a bunch of bulletin board and book stuff for my classroom, got beautiful autumn teatowels at Winners, and did a little Grandma shopping, including books and a CD.

All in all - a good time was had!!


  1. Versace heh?!!! I am intrigued!!

  2. Woohoo!!! Can't wait to see the new glasses!

  3. Sounds like a great day!! Can't wait to see your new sexy specs!

  4. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Can't wait to see pics of your new glasses! I hear you on the expense. Our benefit plans never even cover half of the cost.

  5. I'm with Carmen - can't wait to see the new specs. Sounds like you had a very successful shopping day!

  6. Totally awesome, I love those wonderful shopping days. I too would love to see those new glasses, you must take some photos and show them off!!!

  7. Love the back to school shopping buzz. Can't wait to see these new glasses.
