“In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
John Muir (1838-1914);
naturalist, author
2. How can a stormy, snowy day end with this beautiful sunset? Only a mighty God can paint the sky like this! News reports from the city yesterday said that this storm was the worst of the winter.
3. Spring break in our school division starts today - yeah!!! I only wish that we were going somewhere, preferably warm and sunny.
4. My tomato seedlings are getting their second leaves already! I am so pleasantly surprised by how quickly they are growing. I guess it's time to start basil, peppers and some flowers. Spring must be coming, right?!
5. Photo of the week:
Snow shovelling together
I have 3 piles of seeds on the kitchen table - plant out NOW, plant in now, and plant 12 May. And I am so behind it is ridiculous. The snow and the lack of a heated greenhouse are not my friends right now. But as soon as I can get movement with the huge bags of compost and start planting, the more excited I will be. It is frozen as I speak. And buried under snow. I am not a happy bunny.