Friday, March 15, 2013

Five on Friday

1.  Quote

2.  Here's an interesting list of the best selling books of the last 100 years in North America (according to Publishers Weekly).  How many have you read?  It's definitely interesting, especially by the authors represented.

3.  Winter has descended here again with more snow and very cold temperatures.  The forecast for the next 2 weeks is more of the same.  No point in getting too excited about planting things yet!

4.  Two and a half weeks ago I brought in some apple branches and this week they've burst into bloom.  I love the breath of spring that they bring to our home.

5.  Photo of the week:

Early morning walk with my sister
a rare treat!


  1. it's freezing here too! so ready for spring! love that photo of you and auntie e. :) and that quote is beautiful.

  2. Love the photo of you and your sister!And I agree with heather - a beautiful quote. Now I am off to read the list of books.....

  3. 25. That is all I have read. Strange list, though!
