Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lists of 2012 - #26

Listography 2012 - #26 - Things I Love About Canada

1.  Our red and white flag

2.  The four seasons

3.  Cold weather that eliminates many insects and snakes

4.  Long summer evenings

5.  Big sky and beautiful sunsets

6.  Our coloured money

7.  The variety of geographic regions, each with its own beauty

8.  Amazing food like apples, salmon, saskatoons, lobster, ice cream, and

9.  The Rocky Mountains (and living so close to them)

10.  The abundant water we have in rivers and lakes

11.  The stories our immigrants brought with them

12.  The way we celebrate everything from Canada Day to hockey's Stanley Cup playoffs

and a bonus one -

13.  Our international reputation for helping and being good people


  1. Super cute photo. Are you making this for the weekend? There is so much to love about Canada. We picked some amazing food today - strawberries. The u-pick was open and we were up, so we all packed up and got 13 baskets full. Samuel was even into it, filling up his own little basket. We'll have to have strawberry shortcake this Canada Day weekend. I realized that all my boys have Canada t-shirts, but not Mama. Hmm, might have to look for one before the weekend's activities. Happy Canada Day! Enjoy the family time. Miss you.

  2. this is such a great list! i could add them all to my list! i love #3 and #6!
