Monday, June 18, 2012

Gratitude Gifts Today

#4236 - #4274

- gifts of peace: two sleeping, two playing quietly
- gift of hope: buds swollen, full and round, with the promise of bright yellow blossoms
- gift of love: grandson looking up and saying, "I love you, Gram"
- gift of activity:  walking downtown with three little ones, watching what's happening in town and chatting as we go
- gift of colour:  yellow and purple blossoms together in the vase

- dirty dishes meaning we have food to eat
- bumpy roads meaning people have passed by here often
- weeds of thistles, stinkweed and dandelions - home for little living things
- 2 trips to the quilt store in 1 days :)
- watching her lay out strips of colour, planning and arranging for a quilt

- gifts in reading:  "A Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Brooks - one village's experience coping with the plaque in 17th century England
- pictures painted by words
- only 2 grades at school this afternoon
- grandson at our house
- Convocation dinner shared with a new graduate - how in the world did 4 years go by so quickly!

- gifts empty:  a grocery card ready to be filled, snack containers with everything eaten up, backseat missing a car seat and grandson
- fresh blueberries
- birthday gifts
- brand new full spools of thread
- buy 1, get 1 free sales

- safe arrival of a new little grandson
- pictures via the internet
- surprise drop-in visits
- helpful quilt expert
- judging at Drayton Valley fair

- preparing meals for freezers
- celebrating at church
- folded laundry
- transplanted tomatoes
- growing chickens

- a new fenced enclosure
- weeding rows in the garden
- fresh new potatoes with cream and dill
- barbecued pork chops
- light shining on grove of birch trees

- His infinite goodness
- how very much He loves
- that I am safe and secure in His care


  1. Your thankful lists are always so inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. your lists are always so full of good things. i love that you notice the details. and thank you for keeping our boy for the night. :)
