Monday, May 23, 2011

Gratitude Gifts

After a busy week of fieldwork and seeding, Bob was able to seed all the grain and then the rain began during the night.  It was perfect timing!  The seed is planted and now the miracle of growth begins and we wait for the harvest.  The days ahead will be filled with all that the crops need to flourish and we will watch the skies for storms and leave all the rest to God.  This is definitely the season when I enjoy being a farm family.

There is so much goodness in this season as plants grow and flower.  The promise of what is to come makes the days of waiting worth it.  In awhile there will be berries and fruits, kernels and roots but in the meantime, we rest in God's provision.  And I count on with all the goodness that He bestows.

#2514 - #2541

- sun's rays streaming through the clouds as the day ends

- surprising our grandchildren

- watching them love the water and swimming

- green leaves

- seeds in the ground and fieldwork finished for now

- the warmth of a greenhouse

- great. big. tomato plants from Bob's parents

- mayday trees in bloom

- first rhubarb crisp

- sewing again!

- colour, everywhere colour

- fruit trees in bloom


- tucking away an extra cupful of rhubarb to use in the winter

- opening the dishwasher to sparkling clean dishes

- more days of subbing

- visiting on the phone with our children

- plants growing quickly

- volunteer spinach ready to eat

- eating creamsicles on the deck

- packages of seeds

- a vacuum cleaner

- new quilting book

- visiting

- little boys on bikes

- knowing the the Master controls the seed, the growing, the harvest

- knowing that He controls my life in just the same way

- that He cares for all this and all of us - what a joy!


  1. Oh my, Blake looks SO cute on that bike. :) Thanks for meeting us the other day. We had so much fun with you both. Love your list as always and I love this time of year for so many of the same reasons you do. :)

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    This is one of my favorite posts I have read! You just made me want to buy a farm!! Your land looks absolutely beautful!
