Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Gratitude Gifts Today

Spring is trying hard to break through here and I am loving the sunshine, the melting banks, the puddles, and the warmer temperatures.  With the changes that come as the seasons move on, I see some differences in me too.   And I count those as gifts - the opened eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to acknowledge that all the goodness in my life comes as a result of His love and sacrifice for me.  Wow!!  Grace abounds and the eucharisteo flows deeps and wide here!

#2297 - #2334

- messages written straight to my heart

- hearing the same message in Sunday lessons, Sunday sermon, small group Bible study and while reading during the week.  Strong messages indeed!

- clean spaces

- empty sink, full cupboard

- watching someone being surprised on a birthday

- lunch bag packed and ready to grab

- smooth mornings

- curiousity

(by all 3 of them!)

- excellent lesson plans left for me

- the concern of grade ones as their teacher says good-bye to her father who went Home

- how well they are trained and know the routines

- new books from the school library

- shining eyes

- great listeners

- reading picture books

- egg basket hanging in the chicken house

- new jacket

- finishing a kind thoughts book to give to this week's student

- them sharing their baby pictures

- sunshine

- plastic bags to put inside leaking boots

- a soft chair to sit in

- discussions around the table

- goals for the next year for our health advisory council

- support staff

- butter tart squares

- knowing that I can help a friend best by being in her classroom this week

- stick men drawn by little ones

- daffodils on the table

- a boy and a dog

- reminders of our son at that age

- a little book to record the gifts

- apple branches in the house

- resting in His plans

- not knowing what the plans are but trusting the One who made them

- knowing that hard times refine my character and grow my faith

- that He sent His son for me!!


  1. I love your new look and the font, Crystal. How things have moved on with our template options over the years.....

    I am re-reading the book at the moment, and savouring the details, and my gratitude book has pages and pages of small and large things in it. I love the detail in your lists. The small things. The things maybe I would overlook, like the children's curiosity. Thank you!

    PS I am so glad we are friends.

  2. Love your heart, Crystal!!!!

  3. this is such a great list. i just love, love, love the photos you shared. love you too!

  4. Lovely list, full of so much goodness, and a busy week/weekend. The photos of the kids and the animals are so perfect. Were we like that when we were little?
