Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gratitude Gifts Today

As the weekend draws to a close, there are so many things that I count as gifts from the One who made me and sustains me.  The last Sunday of the church year is a reminder to look at all that happened in the past year and to think about what was good and what needs to change.  I know that even though I am fickle as the wind that blows and many times my good intentions scatter across the land without being carried out, still the One who created me loves and sustains me and gives me brand new days to start all over.

Still I number His gifts and marvel at His inifinte goodness!

- little smiles and big hugs as I arrive at their door

- a chance to just visit with our daughter

- caring for the little ones while Mama has an extra nap

- pizza to pick-up

- her first hockey game and those little legs pushing and flying around the ice

- our Bible study group

- discussions and learning from His word

- the examples of leaders from the Bible

- praying for a dear friend and trusting Him to be there

- a day of cooking and good food

- Bob's help to vacuum and mop floors

- good friends gathered at our table

- leisurely eating and savouring the bites

- sharing memories of loved ones

- pumpkin pie

- games

- time with my parents

- listening to their memories of childhood

- setting up the Christmas tree at church

- getting all the lights to work!

- remembering that He is the light of our world

- new sewing projects

- more days of work

- comments from blog friends

- planning scrapbook projects

- warm boots

- planning how to help others instead of buying things

- little marvels in nature



  1. Great list Crystal! There are always so many things to be grateful for and one can never marvel enough at His infinite goodness!

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    such an awesome list!
