Monday, March 01, 2010

It's Over - - -

(photo from

Here we are in New York City - watching the Closing Ceremonies from the Olympics from Vancouver tonight.  What an amazing 17 days it's been!  There were stories of personal triumph, personal devastation, great success and even greater determination and commitment.  Vancouver did an amazing job of hosting these games.  The weather cooperated and a good time has been enjoyed by all of us!  Television coverage was excellent and we loved seeing the performances, the reactions, the interviews and the buzz.  What an amazing event these Olympics are - may the peace and goodwill they embody live on in our hearts and daily lives!


  1. I didn't get to watch as much of the olympics as I would have liked to, just caught up in life! I love the olympics and am amazed at all the talent.

  2. What a ride! The games were amazing here in Vancouver; I've never seen Canadians like this before! Spontaneous renditions of O Canada in the streets, random cheering, flags everywhere... Whatever will we do now?
    Enjoy your special time in NY!

  3. I'm so glad to hear you're in the US again!

    We enjoyed the Olympics so much this year--I just don't know what we'll do in the evenings from now on! I think we'll go back to knitting (for me) and playing guitar (for Brian)...the games were a nice two week break. XO

  4. We had so much fun watching the Olympics this year. We're gonna miss them!

  5. The Games were simply awesome in so many ways! We wished we were closer, but oh well - technology is shrinking the world and it was great to get regular feeds from the North! Thanks for your thought-provoking and encouraging posts. Love visiting! :)
