Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Photography Tuesday

I'm creating a challenge for myself - and everyone else out there who wants to join me! Every week on Tuesday, I'm going to post a picture or two that I've taken using a new (to me) setting on my camera. This is a spinoff from Heather's blog and the challenge that Melissa gave her on the weekend. Thanks for sharing a great idea!

On the weekend, Heather and I tried the AV setting on our cameras to adjust the aperture. Our goal was to get pictures with a clear focal point and a blurred background. You know - that cool effect you see on really great photos?! My attempts on Saturday weren't successful but last night I got it to work!! I love how the bleeding hearts look. Hopefully I can repeat it again another time and yes, I'll need to keep the manual - or Heather! - handy so I can reset the camera.

The picture of the lilac bush is just to show you how full it is this year.

Let's see what you can do for "Photography Tuesdays!"


  1. i just tried to post a comment here and think i lost it somehow. i'll try not to repeat myself just in case you end up getting both...
    i like both your photos and have both of those flowers in my yard too ;)
    right now my peonies are blooming like crazy. i'm a little concerned all the rain we are having will ruin them...

  2. i love reading your blog, Crystal! You are such a positive person - it is uplifting!

  3. YAY!!!! I might have to join you in this challenge. I'll need all the help I can get to stay sane in the next few months and this sounds like a positive thing for me to do. I love the bleeding hearts - gorgeous photo!

  4. Great challenge, Crystal! I might have to join you too! I know I need the practice with my camera. Your bleeding hearts look great!!

  5. Beautiful photos!!

  6. OH I love your photos Crystal! SOoo beautiful! I love the idea of Photograph Tuesday too! lol... I will try on my blog(even though its' Friday!)
    Thanks so much for the challenge!
