Sunday, July 22, 2012

5 Things

Over at  Enjoying The Small Things, today Kelle asks the question:

For fun this weekend...what are five things you are tired of and five things you are not tired of?

Tired of ... dirty floors - transplanting (but it's finally finished for this year!) - telemarketers - dusting - aphids on the peppers!

Not Tired of ... fresh strawberries, saskatoons and raspberries - fresh vegetables (especially beets, peas and potatoes) from the garden - looking at beautiful flowers and gardens - spending time with friends - our new living room furniture!

Let me know if you do this so I can come and visit to see your answers!

1 comment:

  1. love these lists - such a fun idea. i could think of quite a few for each as well. i think dirty floors would be at the top of my 'tired of' list too!
