Thursday, June 03, 2010


Marta at the dear diary stories makes these wonderful mini-diaries and I asked her if I could use the journaling ideas for a blog post.  I am delighted that she graciously agreed - I know I'm going to enjoy using these every so often.  Thanks, M!!

June 3, 2010

I love the smell
of fresh cut grass.

I love the sound
of frogs croaking as the day ends.

I love the taste
of Cheeseburger Pie,
a new recipe I tried last night.

I love the sight
of pieces of fabric coming together
to create something completely new.
(I can't show you because it's a birthday gift for someone -
and I know she comes to the visit the blog!  I'll share 
details in a few weeks.)

I love the feel
of icy cold Pepsi Lime
as it slides down my throat,
after I was out in the hot sun today.


  1. Journalling the senses - what a lovely idea!
    The sun is shining here today and is apparently going to be around for the next few days. Bliss!

  2. This is so neat. I love the smell of fresh cut grass too. You have to share the Cheeseburger Pie recipe - do you think the kids would like it?
