We are gathered in convention discovering how to Laugh Out Loud
serve the Lord of Life -study Luther on Love - and Live Out Loud as Jesus did.
"The body of Christ for the people of Christ."
The National Church Bishop, Susan Johnson - "Jesus surrounds us with His arms, love and support. With Him, we will be blessed."
"If we don't have Christ, we have no reason to exist."
In Colombia - our Companion Synod:
- there has been undeclared civil war going on since the 1950's
- safety and being able to leave your home at night gives hope
- hope gives one optimism to make decisions
- optimism gives one reason to consider the future
- education for 'los ninos' is what parents want most
- learning now to sew, bake, make jewellery, dance and share folk music give a way to generate income
- sometimes the best thing we can give someone in another country is an understanding of their culture and a relationship
The Lutheran Church in Colombia (IELCO) has:
- 3000 members
- 15 pastors
- 15 congregations and 7 missions
- 7 schools
- 1 seminary
And so we lift Colombians up in our prayers and in our heart.
The body of delegates and pastors at work, doing the business of Living Out Loud.
The Eucharist is a wonderful breakfast!
"There is a hunger for Jesus - to know Him in a close, real relationship."
This is the space where we are gathered -
and we seek to serve God as Jesus showed us.
What a wonderful retreat Crystal. It's refreshing to fuel up on Jesus and to come home ready to do His work. XO