Sunday, February 24, 2013

2013 Joy Dare

#382 - #435 (a random sampling)

- having to apologize and accept an apology
- being connected wirelessly
- inspiration from the Voskamps who are serving in Haiti
- Shrove Tuesday and preparing for Lent
- marked with a cross of ashes: knowing whose I am

- gifts behind a door: warmth on a windy day, our home, smiling faces
- groceries put away and produce washed
- safety while driving on icy roads
- baking chocolate chip cookies
- clean counter tops

- gifts that help me feel the love of God: studying the words of the Bible in our small group, music and songs, the beauty of creation
- open, honest, challenging conversations
- adjusting my thinking, being open to new possibilities
- gorgeous pink, purple and gold sunset
- quiet weekend mornings

- audiobooks
- family day gathering
- delicious snacks
- warm new slippers (reminded that He walks with me)
- natural cures for a lingering cold

- memories collecting in a "Good Things in 2013" jar
- paging through a scrapbook made long ago
- chocolate fondue
- playing orphanage with Meadow and Blake
- Maƫlle's giggles as she played with Grampa

1 comment:

  1. I haven't popped in to read in quite a while. It's so good to see all that you're up to, what you're thinking, and how God is at work in you. Tyler bought me the 1000 Gifts Devotional for my birthday, which includes list pages in the back, and it's been so good for me to get back into thinking and counting all the goodness and gifts He gives, and seeing that it all is good, even when I'm not seeing it. I miss you. xxx
