Monday, February 04, 2013

2013 Joy Dare



#251 - #299 (a sampling)

- chocolate covered almonds
- just a little bit of new fabric
- finding the next chapter book
- listening to a little one talk about saving his money
- little girl crawling away

- winter songs in the CD player
- a willing partner for card playing
- a tray of cookies
- subbing on a 'no busses running' day
- warm houses on cold winter nights

- a teacup and saucer and a set of pearls from my grandmothers
- afternoon nap with warm quilt and heat pack
- oil of oregano
- still 4 summer onions left
- feeding her first foods

- Bible studies
- last day of the week Fridays
- grocery shopping together
- fresh daffodils
- watching the grandkids play hockey
- little boys running hard

- snowball fights from the treehouse
- hauling wagon loads of wood with Blake and Meadow
- wagon races in the driveway
- feeling so filled with His blessings
- reminders of God giving His son for me

1 comment:

  1. Hi Crystal! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I usually reply to comments there or through email, but wanted to stop here and visit your place! Chocolate almonds caught my eye right off the bat. I LOVE them. The nap with a quilt and heat pack sounds great too. Can you tell I like comfort?! Your list sound so full of life. Blessings to you!
