Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2013 Joy Dare



#299 - #382 ( a sampling)

- Christmas photos and their stories
- time to scrapbook and save the memories
- a shiny clean house
- friends gathered for brunch
- caramel baked French toast

-  Bob pushing the grocery cart
- discussing good food, good health choices
- 3 gifts red: vine-ripened tomatoes, hanging our paper Valentine banner, red tulips
- Sunday dinner in the oven before going to church
- 3 gifts found in writing: recipes, February Joy Dare prompts, the Bible

- visits over tea
- 3 gifts found when bent down:  leaves frozen in the ice, hair barrettes lined up in little one's golden fluff, long braids on grade one girls
- sleepovers with grandchildren
- watching them at gymnastics
- doll babies lined up in the big bed

- trekking around in the snow in the yard
- cleaning off the slide so they can fly down it
- honey vanilla tea latte' 20% off on Tuesdays
- more days of subbing
- a haircut and new colour

- early dismissal
- calling Melinda on her birthday
- floors vacuumed and washed
- creating Valentine crafts with Meadow
- pizza on naan bread

- winter skies
- guests for brunch
- quiet time to think, write and read
- more December Daily pages finished
- "Their lives would never be the same once they met Jesus - and ours will be changed forever too!"
- His light shining in all the spaces of my life

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