Thursday, September 06, 2012

Lists of 2012 - #35

Listography 2012 - #35 - Things to Do This Fall

1.  Can BC fruit and tomatoes

2.  Make apple pies with my Mom and my friend

3.  Make tomato salsa and peach salsa

4.  Get back in to the swing of subbing

5.  Take a road trip to the mountains

6.  Have fun with my camera

7.  Change out seasonal decorations in the house

8.  Clean out the garden

9.  Attend Bob's parents moving-out auction sale

10.  Enjoy autumn colours and the sunflowers

11.  Make cards and send happy mail

12.  Be a go-fer for Bob during harvest

13.  Survive the craziness!!

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention get on with the Christmas present list! I have to make a start soon and get some gifts made and packed away, or else the months will rumble on and my daughter will be here, and I will have nothing ready. But I love the sound of your list, and the peach salsa. I can almost hear the leaves crunching under your feet, Crystal. I am changing the house to Autumn this weekend. I think. While i have a son home to put the boxes away in the attic. He leaves for uni next weekend, so I need to get on with it. Do you need to know that he emptied his entire wardrobe onto the floor in the lounge this afternoon? To sort it out. Right. I am living in chaos!
