Monday, September 05, 2011

Gratitude Gifts Today

It's been another week filled with blessings - bounty from gardens and orchards,  bounty in relationships and love, bounty in God's protection and leading, bounty in seeing God's creation and His love in those around me.  There has been news of illness and sadness, some hard conversations and some unexpected twists in the path.   But all, all is grace, as Ann would say - and as I agree!

#2965 - #2995

- enough cucumbers to make three jars of pickles
- pea plants that keep producing
- finding potatoes deep in the ground
- pink zinnias
- watching my Dad reach high to cut sweetpeas for me

- the wonderful fragrance of those sweetpeas
- cuddling Maëlle
- hearing her coo and squeal
- beautiful baby smiles
- pudgy baby legs

- amazing roads cut through mountains
- time with my daughters - and missing the one that is far away
- seeing our children's dreams become reality, one piece at a time
- sharing apples from our trees
- heartfelt prayers spoken with new friends

- beautiful peaches and pears hanging on trees
- farmers who grow bountiful crops, on vines and trees and stalks
- signs hanging from trees in front yards
- organic apricots
- straight rows marching across the hills

- a reliable vehicle, loaded with boxes of fruit
- safety while travelling
- smooth roads that wind gently along lakes
- lofty mountains with white tops
- new clothes for their first day of kindergarten

- little boy opening presents
- celebrating three years of living
- big sister's kindness and her help to make his day special
- reading in my Bible and then seeing the very same words in an online post
- that God provides so much good in so many ways


  1. Pudgy baby legs are the best. What a wonderful list.

  2. that photo of Silas is the best! i can't believe you captured it! so glad we were able to take a trip together. love you!
