Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Med Students

Tonight we walked over to the dorms at the university to have tea with Bonita (from Regina, SK) and birthday cake with Shikha (from Virginia, USA).

These are some of the other med school students that Mel and Tyler are happy to have as their friends. Bobby (from New York, US) was part of the crowd too. It was fun to see their dorms, hang out, listen to them chat about school and know that they are here for each other when the assignments are long and the tests are hard. Mel's the chief caregiver, hosting potluck suppers and sharing her baking treats!

The party group, including Shikha's mom, who came for her birthday and brought the cake from home, and the Canadians.

One of our favourite parts of travelling is to see the countryside and get out of the city. These show you a little of what we saw as we took the train to Krakow today.

I'm going to save the pictures of Krakow and the stories to share with you when I can do justice to the trip. I've just spent a very long time (no surprise about that, right?!) downloading and filing our pictures so we can burn them to CD tomorrow.


  1. I'm so glad you are there and get to see/be a part of their lives in Poland. I bet it helps you feel so much more connected to them, even though there are so many miles between! Miss you guys!

  2. You are getting such a wonderful "taste" of it all over there.
