Listography 2013 - #18 - Favourite Baby Names
If we had a baby this year I would have a very hard time deciding on a name! Here is a random sampling of some names that strike my fancy - and I've left off the names of loved ones, just to make it doubly hard to decide :)
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
2013 Joy Dare
#712 - #737
- gifts that made you laugh - chickens busy in their spaces, junior high students and their excuses, seeing pictures of our grandchildren and their antics
- gifts found in community - small businesses especially greenhouses, neighbours, seeing students and their families
- gift in a pot - ivy, hosta and petunia growing together
- gift in a plate - delicious supper at graduation
- gift in a package - new tshirt that came in the mail
- gifts hard giving thanks for - mud, being so busy, having so many rows
- gift white - saskatoon and mayday blossoms
- gift worn - play clothes, no matter the mud
- gift whispered - little voice with "I love you, Gramma"
- gift from long ago - anniversary of 40 years
- gifts unexpected - learning about something completely new, walk in the garden, gift ideas
- gifts of green - tiny shoots piercing the soil, tomatoes growing tall, new lettuce
- gifts of color - lilac blossoms, cherry trees in bloom, robins all over the lawn
Monday, May 27, 2013
Five on Friday
2. It was a very busy week with 4 days of subbing and lots of work in the garden and greenhouse. My kitchen counter was sadly neglected!
3. I love bringing branches from our blooming trees into the house. This week it was from the mayday and next week the lilacs will be ready. I love how they look and the wonderful smell that permeates the house.
4. I'm going to a high school graduation tonight. I had 15 of these graduates in my grade 3 class and it's so cool to see them all grown up now. This is one of the student events I most enjoy.
5. Photo of the week:
2. It was a very busy week with 4 days of subbing and lots of work in the garden and greenhouse. My kitchen counter was sadly neglected!
3. I love bringing branches from our blooming trees into the house. This week it was from the mayday and next week the lilacs will be ready. I love how they look and the wonderful smell that permeates the house.
4. I'm going to a high school graduation tonight. I had 15 of these graduates in my grade 3 class and it's so cool to see them all grown up now. This is one of the student events I most enjoy.
5. Photo of the week:
Seeded field on a spring evening
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Lists of 2013 - #17 - Ways I Am Like My Mother
Listography 2013 - #17 - Ways I Am Like My Mother
1. My feet
2. My face
3. Our community involvement
4. We like to sew and quilt
5. We each married a dairy farmer
6. We are both readers
7. We give gifts of food and baking to family, friends and neighbours
8. We have gardens and preserve food
9. We both worked the last provincial election
10. We judge at local fairs, sometimes even the same one :)
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
2013 Joy Dare
#685 - #712
- gifts held in hand: books to read, iPhone and Instagram lovelies, juicy oranges
- gifts found in my Mother: that she taught me stuff like growing and sewing and making and doing, that she cares about every person she meets, that she loves my children and grandchildren so whole-heartedly
- gift picked-up: packets of seeds for planting
- gift put away: laundry folded and put in drawers
- gift put back: decision not buy
- gifts found in His word: hope, promises, comfort
- gift in a box: crocheted doilies from my Gramma
- gift in a bag: spaghetti squash growing in the greenhouse
- gift in a book: dinosaur information for Samuel
- gifts unexpected: perennial herb basket, card in the mail, tomato plants to share
- gifts from my childhood: learning how to do things, encouragement to read from my parents, learning how to play piano and read musical notes (even though I don't play now)
- gift sweet: chai tea chiller from Second Cup
- gift salty: nacho chips with cheese sauce
- gift sour: dill pickles
- gifts found in little ones: energy and enthusiasm in abundance, smiles and beginning sounds, how they draw generations together
My great-gramma, my gramma, my mom, me
1967 - the only time my great-gramma came to Canada to visit
Monday, May 20, 2013
Today . . .
Today I . . .
- wrote out 2 cards and 3 letters to mail tomorrow
- cut and trimmed pages for my December Daily album - yes, nearly 6 months later
- laundered the sheets on our bed
- planted sweet pea seeds
- fed and hung out with the chickens for awhile
- purchased more grower food for the chickens
- admired the apple tree that is in full bloom today
- watered the tomatoes, squash, lettuce, carrots and radishes at the greenhouse
- moved the plants from our garage out onto the lawn
- purchased a hosta, some herbs and 1 tomato plant (Black Cherry) at the greenhouse
- tried to figure out how the greenhouse tomato plants are so short and yet have such big, thick stems
- took a whole bunch of pictures in the 4 greenhouse complex that I visited
- brought some Mayday branches in to enjoy in the house
- made taco salad
- took 3 more things out of the freezer (I'm on a mission!)
- cut and ate watermelon after having hot dogs for supper
- made berry-kale smoothies for breakfast
- previewed the pictures I took at Peyton's birthday party yesterday
- had to tell Helayna that I couldn't come, get her and go to Lake Louise today :(
(I felt so bad because she wanted to go so badly. Soon, little one, soon!)
- updated my garden book with a list of the seeds I planted this year
- watched the news report on the awful tornado near Oklahoma City
- left dirty dishes for tomorrow :)
- decided that I'd rather be outside on these gorgeous spring days!
- wrote out 2 cards and 3 letters to mail tomorrow
- cut and trimmed pages for my December Daily album - yes, nearly 6 months later
- laundered the sheets on our bed
- planted sweet pea seeds
- fed and hung out with the chickens for awhile
- purchased more grower food for the chickens
- admired the apple tree that is in full bloom today
- watered the tomatoes, squash, lettuce, carrots and radishes at the greenhouse
- moved the plants from our garage out onto the lawn
- purchased a hosta, some herbs and 1 tomato plant (Black Cherry) at the greenhouse
- tried to figure out how the greenhouse tomato plants are so short and yet have such big, thick stems
- took a whole bunch of pictures in the 4 greenhouse complex that I visited
- brought some Mayday branches in to enjoy in the house
- made taco salad
- took 3 more things out of the freezer (I'm on a mission!)
- cut and ate watermelon after having hot dogs for supper
- made berry-kale smoothies for breakfast
- previewed the pictures I took at Peyton's birthday party yesterday
- had to tell Helayna that I couldn't come, get her and go to Lake Louise today :(
(I felt so bad because she wanted to go so badly. Soon, little one, soon!)
- updated my garden book with a list of the seeds I planted this year
- watched the news report on the awful tornado near Oklahoma City
- left dirty dishes for tomorrow :)
- decided that I'd rather be outside on these gorgeous spring days!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Five on Friday
2. "What to do when your shirt label says made in Bangladesh" is definitely a must read. We are a global world and what we do/eat/wear/use does affect others. Click through to the survey about slavery - my results were startling! I like the suggestions offered so I can help change the world. Thanks to Heather for sharing this link.
3. Jenae at I Can Teach My Child shares her list of Top 10 Reading Apps for Kids. I've been wondering about how to find good apps for little ones and I trust her opinion so I will have to explore some of these myself.
4. Check out this list of popular novels for book clubs that my friend shared on Pinterest. I think I've read 14 of them - still lots to go!
5. Photo of the week:
Body Art
Friday, May 17, 2013
Lists of 2013 - #16 - Best Birthday Gifts
1. Having everyone gather together
2. All the handmade treats like notes and cards
3. Photos and photo gifts like books, notecards, bookmarks, etc.
and then in no particular order -
4. Books
5. Jewellery - earrings, bracelets, necklaces - they're all good :)
6. My red quad
7. Flowers and growing things
8. Stationary, notebooks, journals - paper stuff
9. Vacations and nights away
10. Adventures and activities to do together
11. Dishes and serving pieces
12. My barbecue
13. Chocolate, tea, wine, food treats
14. Pedicure, manicure, massage - spa services
2. All the handmade treats like notes and cards
3. Photos and photo gifts like books, notecards, bookmarks, etc.
and then in no particular order -
4. Books
5. Jewellery - earrings, bracelets, necklaces - they're all good :)
6. My red quad
7. Flowers and growing things
8. Stationary, notebooks, journals - paper stuff
9. Vacations and nights away
10. Adventures and activities to do together
11. Dishes and serving pieces
12. My barbecue
13. Chocolate, tea, wine, food treats
14. Pedicure, manicure, massage - spa services
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Friday Phone Dump
1. chicks growing 2. stuffed mushrooms 3. cucumber seedlings 4. sunset
5. Malachi swinging 6. quick supper 7. Samuel with the chicks 8. quick lunch
9. Stephen Palmer concert 10. brothers 11. quadding with Grampa 12. delphiniums
13. in the sandbox 14. block city 15. potatoes growing 16. pies for the church BBQ
From my phone this (last) week
as inspired by
(a little way to save the memories of this week)
Monday, May 13, 2013
Lists of 2013 - #15 - In My Dream Garden
Listography 2013 - #15 - In My Dream Garden
1. No weeds!!!
2. Fountains with water running
3. Many forms of trellis, all covered with vines and flowers
4. Flowers and perennials in multitudes of colors, blooming through the seasons
5. No pests - flying or crawling
6. Bees and butterflies and ladybugs in abundance
7. Strawberry plants, blooming and producing with never a dandelion in sight
8. A gathering area with a big stone fireplace / BBQ
9. Brassicas like cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts with no cabbage moths
10. A birdbath and birds gathering
11. Apple trees of many varieties - with no apple mites
12. Rose bushes
13. Chairs, rockers, benches and tables where visitors can rest and enjoy the garden
A girl can dream, right?!!
1. No weeds!!!
2. Fountains with water running
3. Many forms of trellis, all covered with vines and flowers
4. Flowers and perennials in multitudes of colors, blooming through the seasons
5. No pests - flying or crawling
6. Bees and butterflies and ladybugs in abundance
7. Strawberry plants, blooming and producing with never a dandelion in sight
8. A gathering area with a big stone fireplace / BBQ
9. Brassicas like cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts with no cabbage moths
10. A birdbath and birds gathering
11. Apple trees of many varieties - with no apple mites
12. Rose bushes
13. Chairs, rockers, benches and tables where visitors can rest and enjoy the garden
A girl can dream, right?!!
2013 Joy Dare
#624 - #684
- gifts found in Christ: His light shining through my fears, peace from the craziness of the world, HIs promises no matter what
- gifts close: plants growing in the window, grandchildren coming to visit, food in the cupboards
- gifts reflecting: sun setting under the clouds, birds flying over the dugout, smiles in the mirror
- gifts fragile: teacups each with a story to tell, teapot with a hairline crack, their love
- gifts cloth: quilts and their colors, favourite shirts, pillow covers for each season
- gifts moving: little boys and girls climbing trees, babies scooting along the floor, text messages flying back and forth
- gifts ugly beautiful: grey skies but bringing rain, no leaves as plants wait for it to be right to grow, little boys that arise so early and convince Grampa to go with them- gifts orange: lights shining on baby chicks, juicy oranges in the fridge crisper, favourite tshirts on Grammas and on little boys
- gifts in dirt: delphiniums pushing through, tomatoes growing daily taller, raspberry roots for transplanting
- gifts tasted: pumpkin pie with whipped cream, burgers off the grill, cheese with crackers and apples for afternoon snacks
- gifts flat: little girl asleep in my bed, fresh white paper for painting, birthday cards written and sent
- gifts found in difficult people: that they interact with little ones, they do - even if it's not my way, the pause it gives me to think about myself
- gifts before 9 a.m.: time to sleep a little longer, a walk outside to observe the growing, berry smoothie in the blender
- gifts in smiles: that he could ride in the tractor with Grampa, the "here we are, Gramma!" voices calling, birthday gift thanks
- gifts found in Christ: new life, the old cast away, His creation shared new each spring
- gifts about our home: open and inviting space with lots of room, floors for little ones to play on, well used and well lived in
- gifts inside a closet: seeds for planting, old school papers kept, summer clothes to wear on warm days
- gifts in the dark: rest after a busy day, knowing they are all safe in their own homes, comfortable bed and warm covers
- gifts inside: little ones napping, eggs in cartons, seeds closed in beds of soil
- gifts in my parents: their love of little ones, they can come to every gathering, their home is a place warmth and hospitality for others
Friday, May 10, 2013
Five on Friday
2. I planted some of my patio pots this week with these lovely "Queen Bee" petunias that Sprouts Greenhouse had this year. Blake and Maëlle helped me pick lots of pansies which will fill more pots :)
3. Big news from the Alberta government this week is that there will be a complete re-do of provincial achievement tests. The tests will happen in September which means so many changes for teachers. More exciting times for educators!
4. The great tomato adventure continues with more transplanting and 27 plants finding new homes recently :) I've moved some into the greenhouse now and I hope they survive our low evening temperatures, which continue to persist this spring.
5. Photo of the week:
Leaving early in the morning for the airport
Saturday, May 04, 2013
Five on Friday
![]() |
Do you want to be a power in the world? Then be yourself. |
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. It's National Scrapbook Day tomorrow and I will be making wonderful memories with our family as we celebrate some birthdays and gather with all of our children and their families. We are blessed to have both sets of great-grandparents coming as well.
And then I'm looking forward to doing some scrapbooking later with all the pictures we'll take!
3. It's been a very full week of fun with Melinda, Samuel and Malachi. I can't believe that they are going home in 4 sleeps! Every time they come the days fly by faster and faster. Our house is going to be some quiet when they are gone. So, so thankful that they came for this visit.
4. I made a little visit to my favourite greenhouse on the second day they were open this week. Two little helpers were on a roll when we picked out pansies. I thought 5 trays would do but we ended up with 10! They were so helpful and so excited to get pansies. My Gramma would have loved seeing her great-great-grandchildren excited to choose them - they were her very favourite flowers. The greenhouse is a place of happiness for me - I would not have said that 5 years ago. Amazing how a person changes, even at my age!
Two In A Treehouse
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Lists of 2013 - #14 - Things That Make Me Cry
Listography 2013 - #14 - Things That Make Me Cry
1. Saying good-bye to our children and grandchildren, no matter how close or how far away they live
2. Imagining loss, especially the loss of loved ones
3. Friendships
4. Family bonds
5. Books and movies
6. Commercials (I know - it's crazy!)
7. Memories
8. Great big hugs
9. Receiving gifts
10. Reading the stories I've recorded in scrapbooks
11. Messages in cards from our children and their partners
12. Visiting the gravesites of my grandparents
13. Watching people fight illness and disease
1. Saying good-bye to our children and grandchildren, no matter how close or how far away they live
2. Imagining loss, especially the loss of loved ones
3. Friendships
4. Family bonds
5. Books and movies
6. Commercials (I know - it's crazy!)
7. Memories
8. Great big hugs
9. Receiving gifts
10. Reading the stories I've recorded in scrapbooks
11. Messages in cards from our children and their partners
12. Visiting the gravesites of my grandparents
13. Watching people fight illness and disease
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