Saturday, April 06, 2013

Dear March

Dear March,

Thanks to a Month In Numbers post that I saw Over At Our Place, I've decided to figure out how March looked at our house!

- 3 days of babysitting, 5 days of subbing

- 3 Bible studies attended

- 13 church services, including 3 funerals, Lenten, Holy Week and Easter Sunday services

- 14 stations on the Way of the Cross

- 100+ eggs hidden for 5 grandchildren to find

- 2 books read:  Under An Afghan Sky, The Novel Bookstore

- 1 audio book listened to:  Lake News by Barbara Delinsky

- 16 blog posts written

- 10 cards made while taking Pattern Play online class

- 10 Mile Meal evening

- 75 Instagram photos snapped

- 2011 December Daily album finished

- 1 week of spring break enjoyed

- 2 trays of seeds planted

- 105 tomato seedlings transplanted

- 2500+ photos saved on the hard drive and deleted from the laptop

- 1 sleepover / retreat with my sister

- 1 HAC meeting cancelled because of a winter storm

- 2 court whist card parties, 1 at our house

- 5 dozen eggs coloured with grandchildren

- 1 extremely busy month!!

1 comment:

  1. this is really cool. such a neat way to preserve the memories of your month.
