Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gratitude Gifts Today

"But when the Spirit of the living God lives inside of you, then your living is also your worship. Everything that is is because he is I Am. ”For in Him we live and move and exist.” (Acts 17:28) We are able to worship in all that we do. And anything worth doing will also be worship. What else would it be?"
(from Emily @ Chatting At The Sky)

I love those words!  Together with our pastor's question "What are you going to do with all that God gives you this week?" I am looking forward to a week of living in His grace and counting the little gifts I notice for all gifts are from Him!

#3152 - #3177

- golden leaves on trees
- bright orange Hubbards squash on the counter
- pale green shreds of cabbage fermenting
- a beautiful Morden Yellow tomato from the greenhouse
- brilliant orange marigolds lingering on in the garden

- traditional methods of making things like sauerkraut
- a birthday invitation in the mail
- turkey roasting in the oven
- simple harvest meals
- sitting long around the kitchen table

- looking at pictures we took in Europe again
- hearing about the grand adventures friends had
- cutting fabric to sew a nightgown
- finding just the right birthday gift
- staying under the budget

- stacking potato sacks in a safe, dark place
- water soaking in around the apple trees
- a counter full of baking
- pulling the last beets from the garden
- beautiful blue sky

- eating frozen blueberries
- hearing that Melinda and Samuel are on their way after missing a flight
- musical reminders of how much God loves and cares for me
- studying scripture
- looking for opportunities in everything He sends my way

1 comment:

  1. love that bare tree against the blue sky. such a calm, peace-filled list.
