Monday, July 31, 2006

Presents for Meadow

Auntie Heather hosted a shower for Meadow yesterday and she got lots of wonderful presents! She is quite spoiled, I think. She has so many cute outfits and cuddly -lankets. It's just so easy to shop for little ones!!

This picture shows her with Uncle Tyler (Mel's DH) in the evening. She loves to have people hold her so she was very content at the shower, as she was passed around. She has developed more of her own looks in the last 3 weeks and her face has changed. She weighed 7'9" at her 3 week checkup so she's doing great. I am so surprised at how strong she is - her little head is always moving and checking out things. Sometimes she gets going too much and then she crashes into your shoulder. She seems to not need much sleep, especially at night, much to her mom's dismay! Catnaps of 15 minutes to an hour are her preferred sleeping times. I am so looking forward to seeing her every day in the month ahead!!

And in a side note, DH split coffee on the key-oard over the weekend so we are una-le to type 3 letters on the -ottom row - can you guess what they are?? I guess shopping for a -rand new -ery up-to-date -ippy new key-oard is on the agenda tomorrow.

I promise to share trip pictures tomorrow. I'm still trying to download all the cards today!!


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Meadow is so adorable Crystal! I think she looks just like her Grandma! hee hee!

    Too bad about your keyboard--but your post did make me chuckle!

    Glad you are home safe and sound--we sure missed you!!!!!

  2. How adorable is she?!!? She's changed alot in such a short time!!

    I was wondering where your b's went to in the email that you had sent me...

    If it makes you feel -etter, I will type like this until you get your new key-oard... :D

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What a sweet baby!!!
    And I too had to laugh at your missing letters!!

  4. I was wondering what happened to the 'b'. LOL!

  5. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Too funny about the 'b'. Meadow is so cute - I'm sure you guys spoiled her rotten at the shower.

  6. She has changed so much. I really did forget how fast they change and become their own little person... Too cute!!

  7. Oh she is so adorable.

    LOL on the b's. I wondered what you were doing.
