Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"What's On Your - - - "

Ali Edwards shared  this list of “what’s on your…” that her sister posted last week as an updated version of many of those list-style memes that travel around the interwebs.  I'm inspired by it today.  
Here’s what’s on my…
VANITY | I don't have a vanity but I remember my Gramma having a special piece of her bedroom set that had a lower section in the middle and drawers on either side with a round mirror.  She kept her hairbrush and some bobby pins on a mirrored tray and some knick-knacks there.  I don't remember any makeup or jewellery - she was a farm wife who immigrated from Poland in 1927 - I'm sure makeup wasn't even on her radar.  My Mom used to have a perfume bottle with an atomizer that I loved to handle when I was little.  I can't remember there ever being any perfume in that bottle.  I'd like a vanity - it would make me feel connected to my past.  
PERENNIAL TO DO LIST | House cleaning, painting the rest of our house, paperwork, dealing with the basement chaos, backing up photos from the laptop onto the hard drive
REFRIGERATOR SHELVES | Thawed hamburger to make into meatballs, leftovers from roast beef supper last night, eggs, greek peach yogurt, whipping cream, cheez whiz, chai tea concentrate, milk, pickles, relishes, condiments
ITINERARY | Subbing in grade 6 tomorrow, benefit concert and dessert night, court whist card party, 4 days of subbing next week and a pickup at the airport to get our daughter and 2 grandsons who are arriving in 6 sleeps!
FANTASY ITINERARY | Hawaii, Disneyland and Disneyworld with the whole family, - Australis, Antarctica, Iceland and the Nordic countries with Bob - anywhere with my sister - Drumheller camping with the grandkids
PLAYLIST | I don't have a playlist but in the CD player in the car is an audio book, The Telling by Beverly Lewis
NIGHTSTAND | Books, books, books!  Along with vaseline, hand lotion, bookmarks, a water bottle and a vase of pussy willows (oh, and some dust too!)
WORKOUT PLAN | Ummmmmmm---
IPHONE | Pic Tap Go, Instagram, Edmonton Journal, Word Play game, a few old texts
TOP 5 LIST | Being with our grandchildren, spring flowers, pizza, chocolate, slowing down to enjoy the small moments
BUCKET LIST | More travel, especially with our kids and grandkids, visiting all 7 continents, more theatre evenings, more card and game nights, making a quilt for each of our grandchldren
MIND | Getting the chicken brooder house ready for tomorrow, taxes, teaching confirmation classes, transplanting tomatoes again, when to plant, when will the snow finally disappear?
BLOGROLL |  Linds, Ali Edwards, Ann Voskamp, Monika Wright, SouleMama
WALLS OF YOUR FAVORITE ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE | light minty green - I wish it was everywhere but I'd like white in the bathroom
LIQUOR SHELF | Homemade wine from our friends, peach schnapps for tea, lemonade slush (in the freezer)
LAST CREDIT CARD STATEMENT | Magazine order,  birthday gifts
SCREENSAVER | This month's from (in)Courage
TV EVERY NIGHT | The news on CBC, on Sunday nights it's Amazing Race, last night it was Hell's Kitchen
And feel free to make your own list too!

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