Monday, November 12, 2012

Gratitude Gifts Today

#4795 - #4832

- safety while storms rage all over the continent
- cocooning at home and avoiding icy roads
- empty chicken house, just in time
- cleaned out deep freeze
- room enough for all

- little trick-or-treaters
- great big 'thanks' shouted back at me
- imagination - of littles and parents
- candles burning bright in pumpkins
- "This Little Light of Mine"

- sewing
- iPhone photos - amazing technology
- slow cooker ready meals
- garlic smashed potatoes
- leftovers

- chicken stock cooking after supper
- fresh pears
- mint green tea
- rescheduling visits
- little ones playing in the sandbox

- cords and sweaters
- down-filled jacket
- warm gloves and boots
- hot dogs for lunch at school
- colours of the rainbow

- sun shining while snow diamonds twinkle
- chickadees outside my kitchen window
- fourteen cups of pumpkin for the freezer
- first batch of poppycock
- filling shoeboxes to send

- 3 gifts that begin with 'N' - our daugher Naomi, nuts and nachos
- quiet night times
- gifts that only He can give
- words of hymns that speak straight to me
- my Saviour and His unfailing love for me

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