Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gratitude Gifts Today

#4552 - #4588 -  August 13 - 20, 2012

- 3 gifts in green: garden full of growing plants, green leaves + yellow sunflower faces, green walls in our kitchen
- our very own "Green" family!
- cucumbers from Mom K's garden
- a wedding gift sent
- my engagement and wedding ring set - a reminder of our partnership

- defusing a situation with a smile
- tomato globes slowly turning color
- more new baby chicks
- beans hanging heavy on plants
- cucumbers hiding in the leaves

- text messages to keep us informed
- birthday present shopping
- pictures at family gatherings
- an old, old car
- celebrating 50 years with my aunt and uncle

- my girls cooking supper
- cousins playing together
- raspberry jam on toast
- devotions with Bob
- a bit of reading, here and there in the day

- waking up with a grandson
- rocking Malachi
- words from Ephesians
- singing and reading with grandchildren
- keeping meals ready and the kitchen ticking along

- hearing exciting news about an engagement
- watering the greenhouse with a little cuddler
- friends for supper
- sharing travel stories
- playing games together

- weiner roast lunches
- all the good things our Father places here for us
- watching them read the Bible with Samuel
- his prayers at mealtimes

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